Divorce Dissolution Custody

Divorce, dissolution and custody representation in Domestic Relations and Juvenile Courts in Summit and surrounding counties 

Our Services


If the spouses are not able to come to an agreement on the terms of their breakup, a complaint for divorce may be the best option to obtain the best outcome and end the marriage, divide the property and debt, allocate custody and alimony.


A dissolution of marriage can be a faster and less costly process to end the marriage if the spouses can come to an agreement on all the terms which are then filed with the Court.  This option can take as little as six weeks to finalize. 


When unmarried couples have disputes on custody, visitation, or child support, we provide experienced legal counsel to help achieve the desired result in Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court.

Close-up of a divorce document and wedding ring on a lawyer's desk.

About Us

Solving client’s domestic relations and family law matters has been the main concentration of the law practice.  At John Zalic Law Offices, experienced legal representation is provided primarily in the areas of divorce and family law, including contested and uncontested divorces, dissolutions and custody.  The law firm offers pre-divorce strategies, settlement negotiations, trial representation, modifications of custody, visitation, alimony, and child support.  Attorney, John Zalic is experienced in helping people solve their family law and domestic relations matters as he has over 33 years experience in the practice of law.  Competent and experienced legal representation is what clients deserve and receive at John Zalic Law Offices.  John Zalic litigates family law issues such as discovering assets, custody disputes, pension division, working with experts, court appointed Guardian ad Litems, business valuations, vocational assessments for alimony claims, and trials.  Before practicing law, he obtained valuable experience as a Hearing Officer at the Prosecutor’s Office performing mediations, and criminal investigations for the U.S. Military.

The law practice represents clients in Summit County Domestic Relations and Juvenile Courts and in the surrounding counties.  Reasonable rates are offered.  VISA, MasterCard and American Express are accepted.  We offer weekend appointments. If you need advice or solutions, call and speak directly to John Zalic at 330-777-9280. Let us protect your rights.  Call now for a free phone consultation.

book lot on black wooden shelf

Attorney, John Zalic has been representing clients in Summit County and surrounding counties in the areas of divorce, dissolution and custody for over 33 years.  Call John Zalic directly to discuss your case or schedule a free consultation.

                             Call: 330-777-9280                               Text: 216-218-2015

John Zalic, Esq.

Attorney at Law

Call for a Free Consultation

Call for a free office consultation.  Office consultations available in downtown Akron at 388 Main St., Ste. 440, Akron, Ohio
